Welcome to Galeophobia!

Its short because I'm tired and I really should be focusing on getting the Clash: Blue Mirage update finished.

This was made for Summer Horror Jam, and I wanted to tackle a very common fear that I felt fit with both "summer" and "horror": the fear of sharks.  But I also wanted to put my own spin on it and maybe reframe that fear, leading to a plot twist that hopefully will make people feel kinda weirdly sad.  Or maybe everyone will shrug and call me a crazy old lady, wouldn't be the first time.

I also wanted to make another web VN after Mizzenmast: Moray Dismay turned out so nice (even if that one did flop, idc, it turned out nice darn it).    So here it is.

Hopefully people still find it and play it even though I'm taking a vacation from Twitter/X for a week and that's pretty much my main method for widely announcing project releases.  And if not, I'll post it when my vacation is done, no biggie I guess, why am I even worrying about it.

Enjoy, I'm going to go take a nap.


Galeophobia-1.0-web.zip Play in browser
6 days ago
Galeophobia-1.0-market.zip 94 MB
6 days ago
Verse Poem.pdf 45 kB
6 days ago

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