Mechs are used to weaken hurricanes before they come to shore. A mech pilot who has nightmares about a hurricane from her childhood must face her fear.

  • Pick your mech.
  • Reminisce on the past or be controlled by it.
  • Destroy a hurricane or lose heart.

(Promo pictures from Unsplash, taken by Bruce Tang (mech) and Max LaRochelle (storm), cobbled together in GIMP)

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorDrone Garden Studios
GenreInteractive Fiction
Tagshurricane, Meaningful Choices, Mechs, natural-disaster, Robots, Sci-fi


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Your writing skills are pretty amazing. I enjoyed the story from start to finish. You can represent it like a manga or visual novel in the game. With mini games in between. 


Hm, based on the gender-neutral terms in the description, I was assuming we could pick the MC's gender. But it seems like it's gender-locked to female?

(1 edit) (+1)

Originally there were gender options planned for both human and AI but that - along with the two different mech frame options - meant that there would be a LOT of combinations of options I'd have to take into account when writing.  

Since I was running out of time, I figured I was going to have to cut either mech frames or gender options.  

I really really REALLY wanted mech frames.

*EDIT* I tweaked the description a bit, didn't realize I'd forgotten to update it.  ^^;

(1 edit) (+1)

This was an enjoyable, albeit short, read! I absolutely loved the concept about using mechs to hunt down hurricanes. Very unique and cool concept, and I loved the AI Coda! My only complaint was not being able to set it to full screen and the orange background hurt my eyes after awhile. But overall, really well done, do you plan to expand upon it someday?


Thanks!  I felt like this one was kind of rushed, and I had to cut a lot for time (like gender options and a bonding-with-your-AI mechanic).  But as long as people dig it, I'm happy.  ^^

I would actually really like to come back to this concept in the future, if/when I have more time to work on it.  I'd probably redo it in Renpy.


That sound a great idea if you redo it in Renpy :)


Well, this Twine version certainly was a nice prototype, and the writing was enough where I could hear and visualize everything! That would be super neat if you remade it in Ren'Py!


Hi :)

Pretty good story, I was really into it.

The hurricane has lost the fight.


Thanks, I felt like I rushed this story so I'm glad it turned out alright.  xD


I felt like being in a story between that old movie Twister and  Pacific Rim (or Evangelion) ðŸ¥°ðŸ¥°ðŸ¥°