And its released!

Got a little shaky there near the end, but this interactive fiction game is now available and ready to play!

There are two main endings you can get, each with two specific flavors (bittersweet/sad or scary).  These endings are based on some decisions that you make as you explore the woods and try to find your horse.

I brought in some elements of my own life into the story.  When I was a kid, I was friends with a horse named Frosty.  She was very old and gentle, and I learned a lot about animal care from working with her.  I also once saw a mysterious light that left me feeling severely sunburned; however, my light was red - not teal - and I learned much later that it was a drone some robotics geeks were messing with over at the community college.  Still, a nice bit of inspiration.

It was a lot of fun writing an alien encounter story, and a good warm-up for my project I'm working on during summer break.  I hope you enjoy reading/playing it as much was I enjoyed writing/developing it.


The Lunar Beast in the Play in browser
43 days ago

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