Wednesday Update #3!

Got Zen Mode finished and started the fighting sequences.  That's when the glitches started happening.

I wanted to have a timer in the fights, but no matter what I do it draws an error.  The other UI bits don't, just the timer.  So screw it, no timer.  Also had a really nasty bug that messed up how the match-3 parts worked in general, but that one was fixed pretty easily.

Still, all these glitches make me REALLY nervous.  I've been able to fix them so far, but I'm still at the "what am I even doing" stage with Godot.  I'm concerned I'll eventually hit a bug that I can't find a fix for.  Then, I don't know what I'd do.

BUT.  No use worrying about that until it happens.  Main thing is, the Match-3 code and UI are SO CLOSE to being done!  Next week, I hope to have the next visual novel section done.  So here's hoping!

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