Sunday Update #12

Still chuggin' along.

Its going to be super slow going, because so far this year has been the busiest job of my LIFE.  Not only am I working really hard (and over hours quite a few days), but I am taking my last college class and my first teaching certification class.  All at once.  But I am bound and determined to finish Blue Mirage.  It just might be even slower than I thought.

I'm still in Chapter 4, but I think I will be wrapping up the investigation sequence this weekend (helps that tomorrow is a holiday, more time to type).  Decided the section is looking for keys and a place wherein to use them, because I genuinely could not think of anything else.  There's some other little spooky bits (since, you know...investigation in an AI-controlled haunted mansion) which is fun.  I might add more later.  Important part is getting this draft DONE first.

After that, its the 'act two' of the chapter that loops back around to the beginning of the game, finally ending the four (five, if you count the intro) chapter flashback!  Then there is an 'act three' where you switch to a whole other character to play as, but I am not saying who it is just yet.  Then chapter 4's writing is done.

And once Chapter 4 is COMPLETELY done, I am revising/editing what I have.  I know I said I would do that after Chapter 3, but I NEED to do this after Chapter 4.  It feels like a mess and I need to make sure the investigation is working right.

That's the plan.  Let's see if I stick to it.

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