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Clash: Blue Mirage
Return to Clash: Blue Mirage
March 01, 2025
Drone Garden Studios
Yes, that is pretty much it. The game is out. Go buy it or whatever. I'm done. (Unless you guys find bugs that I missed and report them in the Steam forums and I see the bug report, I will then take t...
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February 01, 2025
Drone Garden Studios
before we get into the announcement, i will apologize for completely forgetting to post updates here on this page, i kinda forgot that devlogs were a thing, lolwhoops So the bad news is, I've been hav...
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Update on the state of the game
November 01, 2024
Drone Garden Studios
(This is the same as the November Hype Update on Steam, but its got some important news in it so I am reposting it here) So as mentioned, I did take September off to work on a competitive game jam pro...
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True Negative Update + What's Next!
July 30, 2024
Drone Garden Studios
Hurricane Beryl be damned, I got the update finished on time anyway! The next Early Access update for Clash: Blue Mirage is now available! The main focus of this update is the addition of Chapter 5, e...
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Sunday Update #16
November 26, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
A SUNDAY UPDATE, WHAT MADNESS IS THIS??? Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to announce that Chapter 4's writing is finished. It took awhile but it got done. So what's the plan for the rest of t...
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a pre-update update
November 18, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So as you may know, things have slowed down on the devwork side of things due to the day job side of things. Which, I do apologize (but not really), but day job comes first. I get an entire week off f...
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Sunday Update #15
October 01, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
The going was once slow, now it has outright stopped. I'm sorry, y'all, but as I've mentioned in the last couple of updates...I got lots of IRL stuff to attend to. And once I get those IRL things wrap...
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Sunday Update #14
September 17, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Yes, I am alive, but at this point it feels like it is on a technicality. As mentioned in last week's update, there is a LOT going on for me IRL right now. Just when I think I've reached peak busy, I...
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Sunday Update #12
September 03, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Still chuggin' along. Its going to be super slow going, because so far this year has been the busiest job of my LIFE. Not only am I working really hard (and over hours quite a few days), but I am taki...
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Sunday Update #11
August 20, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Soooo I had covid this past week. Which meant I was locked up all week and couldn't go to work, during a week where it was super important i go to work. I'm still mad. But hey, I had time to work on B...
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Switch to weekend-only work...
August 06, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
The summer flew right by. Had a lot of ups and downs. Overall it was good. But I'm ready to go back to work. Which is good, because tomorrow is my first official day of work. Only downside of that is...
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Sunday Update #10!
July 23, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
I did my revising, I got bored of revising, and I have decided that the next two weeks (during which I am housesitting, so I will have complete peace and quiet) I will hunker down and try to get Chapt...
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Sunday Update #9
July 16, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
This week was, indeed, the week my mother recovered from surgery. I'm going to use that an an excuse as to why nothing really got done. I lost a day and a half sitting in the hospital. We're all back...
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Sunday Update #8
July 09, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
It is sad to say, after a burst of productivity last week, it pretty much completely stalled out this week. That's mostly due to real life factors, such as getting ready for my mom's surgery, actually...
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Sunday Update #7
July 02, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Chapter 3 is almost done. I still need to put the finishing touches on it, but its so gosh darn close. Then its a matter of revising what I have before going on to Chapter 4. In case you missed my big...
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In Which the Developer Makes a Statement of Intent
June 30, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
But not an apology. The developer does not apologize on the Internet. TW: long freakin post about AI art generation ~*~ When I first started Blue Mirage , AI art was innocent. It was a tool for solo d...
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Sunday Update #6
June 25, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So things were going along smooth, I was writing and nothing seemed too complicated. Then I decided Chapter 3 was too short and needed a little interlude from finishing up the interrogation with the p...
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Sunday Update #5
June 18, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
My stated goal last week was to get anywhere between a quarter to a half of Chapter 3's writing done. I honestly have no clue whatsoever if I got it because I have no idea how long the chapter is goin...
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Clash is in Steam Next Fest!
June 14, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Click this link to check out the announcement on Steam! And if you'd rather not use steam, that's okay: the demo is available here on, too! In fact, there's two: the version that is on Steam a...
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Sunday Update #4! + Event Participation Announcement!
June 04, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Since writing is my main summer job right now, I should be getting enough work done to go back to weekly updates. Should be. There's also college and professional development around the corner, plus m...
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very very temporary pause
May 13, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
My day job is extremely draining as we gear up for the end of it. I just need my next couple of weekends to myself lest I explode. So I won't be doing any devwork until the job is over. But I make thi...
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Sunday Update #3
May 07, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Finally started working on the visual syncing yesterday. Last weekend, I got caught up in a lot of cleaning and getting sick. Not from the cleaning, just from general day-to-day life. So this weekend...
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Sunday Update #2
April 23, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
I have big news! Yesterday, I finished writing Chapter 2! It actually happened! I finished it! That said, I still have to sync up the visuals. And the music. And the sound FX. And put in the achieveme...
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Sunday Update #1 (formerly Wednesday Updates!)
April 09, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
A side-effect of not being able to do devwork during the week for a couple of months is that Wednesday updates don't feel right anymore, either. And there's still the problem of not having enough to m...
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IntRenAiMo Wednesday Update #4!
March 29, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
This will be the last IntRenAiMo 2023 update, after which its back to biweekly updates (and one big update on Steam, just to let people know I have not died). Did not get Chapter 2 finished like I'd h...
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A quick demo update...
March 29, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
Get ready for a giggle, because it turns out there was a bug in the demo that no one (including myself) caught because no one (including myself) picked the character in question who was glitched. Poor...
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IntRenAiMo Wednesday Update #3!
March 22, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
See, I do actually have a visual to accompany this one! I am being productive!(?)! I am running into some severe writer's block this time around. It doesn't help that, even when I get an entire week o...
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IntRenAiMo Wednesday Update #2!
March 15, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
I get a whole week off from work, so you'd think I'd be able to get a whole lot done. Nope. Because when I have the inspiration, I struggle to find the time; when I have the time, I struggle to find t...
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IntRenAiMo Wednesday Update!
March 08, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
I'm going back to Wednesday updates for this month. :-) I'd like to wrap up writing for Chapter 2 by the end of March. Originally i wanted to get the whole thing done, but I forgot about visuals/music...
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Wednesday Update #8! Chapter 2 and Steam Mystery Fest!
February 22, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So as mentioned previously, Clash: Blue Mirage 's Steam page is now live. It also includes a demo, which is the same 2.0 demo here on And boy howdy, has it already taken off! The views are ja...
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Demo 2.0 Now on Steam!
February 19, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
There, its working now. Hopefully. Be sure to test it and let me know if it is borked or not!...
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Demo 2.0 Now on Itchio!
February 17, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So I completely forgot about the two week minimum for a release over on Steam, and plus I'm running into a lot of confusion over how to have a Steam page up when you only have a Demo build. So to make...
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Wednesday Update #7!
February 08, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So despite a really busy week where nothing got done, I was able to get the Steam demo feature complete! It will be available on whenever the Steam page goes live. Oh, but here's something ver...
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Wednesday Update #6!
January 25, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
I do apologize for taking so long on this. Not worrying about deadlines is good as its a less stressful approach to VN development for me. On the other hand, without deadlines my procrastination and e...
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Wednesday Update #5!
January 11, 2023
Drone Garden Studios
So first of all, if you haven't heard, Clash: Robot Detective - Complete Edition is now on Steam! Clash: Blue Mirage will also be on Steam, but first I want to pad out the demo a little more. I decide...
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Demo is Now Available!
December 29, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
The demo looks to be in good shape to me so it is now available! I'm taking a dev break for the rest of this weekend (unless someone reports a really severe bug, that is). So do be sure to play and en...
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Wednesday Update #4!
December 28, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
Last Wednesday update before the demo launches in a day or so! Still need to do some playtesting but so far, so good. Visuals finished, music/sound added, tweaked some of the newer sprites that were r...
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Wednesday Update #3!
December 21, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
Well, this update is going better than last week's. I don't have strep throat anymore! Instead, we are looking at severe freezes this week that could cut the power. This demo isn't going so easy. But,...
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Clash on Steam gets a new release date
December 19, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
You can read all about it at the below link: This link right here! But if you're not wanting to go to Steam to read it, the gist is I moved it from 1/6 to 1/2 so as not to coincide with Splatfest and...
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Wednesday Update #2!
December 14, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
It was all going so well. I'd written quite a bit and got visuals synced up to what I had. I'd hit my groove. Things were taking off. Then I went and got strep throat. So yep. Need to rediscover my gr...
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Wednesday Update!
December 07, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
Well. A lot more got done this week than I thought. Got a rough start because I forgot to focus just on what was needed for the demo. As seen with the Clash sprites above, I started making some assets...
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Welcome to Clash: Blue Mirage!
October 20, 2022
Drone Garden Studios
Not starting development until December, but I wanted to go ahead and post the page to start drumming up interest. While I'm still trying to get Clash Complete ready for Steam, I did want to start wor...
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