Sunday Update #15

The going was once slow, now it has outright stopped.

I'm sorry, y'all, but as I've mentioned in the last couple of updates...I got lots of IRL stuff to attend to.  And once I get those IRL things wrapped up, I'm exhausted and am using the rest of the weekend to rest.  And by rest, I mean "close my eyes for a minute, wake up two hours later with no idea what time it is or where I am or who I am or where did this cat come from" levels of rest.  I'm a mess, more so  than usual.

But there is hope!  Right now, a lot of the issues are stemming from my last college class.  I'm on week six of eight for that class now.  Once that class is done, I'll get a lot of my time back.  Which means I'll get Clash back.

I don't like being ~that person~ who keeps putting off their projects, but I have to be.  Clash: Blue Mirage is on a very temporary pause until 10/21, at which point it will start up again.  As weekend work.  Unless its a holiday break.  My development schedule is not very regular.

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