IntRenAiMo Wednesday Update #4!

This will be the last IntRenAiMo 2023 update, after which its back to biweekly updates (and one big update on Steam, just to let people know I have not died).

Did not get Chapter 2 finished like I'd hoped.  Didn't even get the writing finished.  That's because I am once again trying to figure out my work-life balance.  In between work (and filling in due to a whole bunch of shortages), college, exercise, volunteering, events, and a new dog who is going to have a leg removed due to whatever happened at his former home...i'm packed, i'm stressed, and i'm having trouble finding time for VN development.  Which is a shame, because VN development is something I really enjoy.  And it works as a nice side income, too.

But I did get a lot of writing done, which is better than none at all.  And I learned how to implement a Gallery, which will be useful in future projects too.  Plus, its just nice to work with Clash.  He's a near and dear project to my heart.  The first game was when I feel like I started to find my style.

Anyway, it was a good IntRenAiMo 2023, even if I didn't reach my goal.  See you all later for further updates on Clash: Blue Mirage!

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